This playbook is designed for all journalists who are interested in deepening their knowledge of cross-border journalism. The playbook is a result of cross-border collaboration itself: 16 journalists across Europe and several guest authors share their insights and experiences with cross-border collaborations.

By providing tips and tricks on how to plan and manage your team work, overcome conflicts, solve problems, find back-up plans and produce your story, we hope to support journalists embarking on a cross-border project.

It is important to note that this playbook is far from complete: cross-border collaboration is an increasingly dynamic and complex journalistic discipline and we were unable to cover everything about it. Instead, this playbook aims to serve as a useful resource for journalists interested in learning from the experience of other cross-border journalists.

Project Team

This playbook is an initiative of n-ost and celebrates a great number of cross-border projects that have been completed by fellows of their Reporters in the Field grant in the last five years. The playbook’s concept and design are a result of a collaboration with the Dutch investigative journalism platform Argos’ Ties Gijzel to create them together with Dimitris & Maria (Loonatiks Design Crew) and Yannick Gregoire. Special thanks to our partners Arena for Journalism, Hostwriter, Investigate Europe, BIRN & BIRD, Are We Europe, IPI, the European Journalism Centre, and, last but not least, Liviu Barbulescu for the videos, Priyanka Shankar, Ana Lankes and Marjolein Koster for their editorial support.
We would not have been able to kick off this project without funding by the Robert Bosch Foundation.

Experts & Partners
